荣誉项目代表了在常规课堂作业之外对你研究领域的主题或问题进行探索的非凡承诺. Typically, 荣誉项目是为期一年的研究或实质性的创造性工作,最终由该领域研究的教师以及整个学院的教师进行批判性审查. This page outlines the steps in the process of completing an honors project.

A Year Before the Projected Completion Date

Students with an overall grade point average of at least 3.并且对其研究领域内的某个主题或问题的持续研究非常感兴趣,应该考虑为荣誉项目提出一份提案. At least six months before the anticipated completion date, 学生应该带着项目的想法去找一位教师,并请这位教师担任项目的负责人. With the faculty director, the student should develop a reading list or a plan for other salient work on the project. 学生和主任还应咨询研究领域的主席或项目主任,以确定该研究领域的荣誉工作是什么.

Fall and Spring Completion

By the last Monday in October, or the last Monday in March for completion in the following fall, 学生应向学术地位委员会(ASC)提交完成荣誉项目的意向表。. This form includes the following: (1) a 250-word description of the proposed or in-progress project; (2) names and signatures of the faculty members willing to serve on the project’s Honors Review Committee; and (3) the signature of the Chair or Program Director in the area of study. If the project is based on work done for a capstone or other course, 学生必须证明该荣誉项目将如何显著推进该课程已完成或将要完成的工作. Guidelines for writing the 250-word description may be found in the FAQ.

荣誉评审委员会由学生项目的教务主任担任主席,必须包括至少一名研究领域的其他教员. 每个研究领域可能对荣誉审查委员会的组成有自己更详细的要求. 该委员会负责根据该研究领域的适当标准确定项目的荣誉价值. 鼓励对某一研究领域的荣誉感兴趣的学生在早期与他们的导师或系主任或项目主任讨论该领域的荣誉标准.

ASC将审查所有的提案,并以一封简短的信回应每个学生,并抄送给主任. In particular, ASC可能会提出一些问题,学生可能会发现这些问题对准备在《det365app》上向全校观众交流他或她的工作有帮助.

Intersession/Summer of the Honors Project Year

课间和暑期为学生提供了完成荣誉项目研究的绝佳机会, experiments, and/or writing. There are no official deadlines to meet during Intersession or summer, 但建议学生和主任为相关学期的荣誉评审设定合理的目标.

Final Term of the Honors Project Year

At least six weeks before the end of the completion term, 学生应该安排一个与荣誉评审委员会会面的日期. At this meeting, 学生将以该研究领域的指导方针或传统推荐的方式,并由其荣誉审查委员会同意的方式展示荣誉项目. If a written report is required, 学生应在会议前一周将报告提交给荣誉评审委员会.

如果完成的项目获得荣誉评审委员会成员的一致认可, the student may advance to the Collegiate Review. At least four weeks before the end of the completion term, the project’s director will file the Recommendation for Honors with the ASC. This document includes the signatures of the Honors Review Committee members. 学生需要为学院审查委员会选择一名普通教员,并使用荣誉推荐表格来申请该教员. The student must have already received approval from the faculty member. ASC will assign an ASC member to join the committee.

学院审查委员会由一名ASC成员担任主席,还将包括一名普通教员和项目主任. ASC成员和全体教员都不能来自项目的研究领域或学生的任何专业. By majority vote, 该委员会将判断学生对项目的书面和口头交流的有效性. 然后,学院审查委员会将向ASC委员会主席提交一页的荣誉报告. 荣誉项目的最终草稿(项目的完整书面部分或项目的其他可接受的文件)和标题页也必须提交给ASC主席.

One week before graduation, ASC主席将致函校长办公室和注册主任,列出在其研究领域达到荣誉资格的学生. When senior grades are due, ASC主席和注册主任将核实符合条件的荣誉学生的总GPA,以确定他们是否仍然达到批准的最低(3).0 at this stage). The President’s Office will be informed of students whose GPA renders them ineligible. 毕业时,在某一学习领域取得优异成绩的学生将得到特别认可.

What's Next?

For additional resources and required forms, please see MyW&J.